The dimensions of BioAffix Gate Force Mini


Height: 102.44 mm

Width: 126.44 mm

Thickness: 65.22 mm




Number of Core: 4

Speed: 2.4 Ghz

Memory (RAM)

Capacity: 4 GB


Storage Area

Type: SSD

Capacity: 60 GB

Other Features

Loudspeaker: 2X4W

Self-Working: ✅

Integrated TPM*: ✅

Wiegand: ✅

RS485: 1 Piece

HDMI: 1 Piece

USB Client: 6 Pieces

USB Host: 1 Piece

Operating System: 32 Bit Embeded

Operating Temperature: 0-60 °C

MTBF: 500.000 hours

Models of BioAffix® Gate Force Mini

Model Description
DON-BIO-GAT-FOR-MIN-O With Biometric Identity Verification OSDP V2 Module
DON-BIO-GAT-FOR-MIN-U With Biometric Identity Verification USB Module
DON-BIO-GAT-FOR-MIN-P With Biometric Identity Verification Printer Module
DON-BIO-GAT-FOR-MIN-TO With Biometric Identity Verification TPM Integrated, OSDP V2 Module
DON-BIO-GAT-FOR-MIN-TU With Biometric Identity Verification TPM Integrated, USB Module
DON-BIO-GAT-FOR-MIN-TP With Biometric Identity Verification TPM Integrated, Printer Module

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