BioAffix product family devices met with the visitors under the roof of AselsanNet at the “Youth Informatics Festival” organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkey on May 16-18.

Informatics projects developed by public institutions and young entrepreneurs were exhibited at the festival organized with the support of Information Technologies and Communications Authority and Informatics Association of Turkey. It is aimed that bring the youth informatics vision for the future through the activities carried out within the festival. Leading informatics projects were explained in detail to the youth by the representatives of public institutions and private sector within the fest.

Young IT specialists showed a great interest in AselsanNet stand where BioAffix product family devices were exhibited in the field of biometric and access control security. Visitors viewed products The products in the area where the BioAffix Gate Vision device with 3D face recognition technology in addition to the renewed BioAffix Gate Power – New Generation Access Control Panel, was exhibited were viewed with a great interest by the visitors. The activities in the festival area, which lasted for 3 days, ended with the closing concert.

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